LEVANN "jA" Vitamin and Mineral Set 2x30 capsules - Foods by Ann - Vesa Beauty
LEVANN "jA" Vitamin and Mineral Set 2x30 capsules - Foods by Ann - Vesa Beauty

LEVANN "jA" Vitamin and Mineral Set 2x30 capsules

LEVANN "jA" Vitamin and Mineral Set 2x30 capsules

Regular price £19.29
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Supporting the body with all the ingredients it needs to stay healthy! The Vitamin and Mineral Set is 19 carefully selected vitamins and minerals in a specially designed, comprehensive, two-phase formula to support the body, especially when the diet is far from ideal. It is true that the main source of minerals and vitamins should be a well-...

Supporting the body with all the ingredients it needs to stay healthy!

The Vitamin and Mineral Set is 19 carefully selected vitamins and minerals in a specially designed, comprehensive, two-phase formula to support the body, especially when the diet is far from ideal. It is true that the main source of minerals and vitamins should be a well-balanced diet. We know, however, that enriching the diet with all the minerals necessary for good health is not a simple matter and is sometimes - if only due to lifestyle or lack of time - difficult to achieve. We should also remember that in certain situations, the demand for vitamins and minerals increases significantly. Examples include intensive physical activity or chronic stress. In such cases, it is worth considering supporting your organism with additional, comprehensive supplementation.

A multi-ingredient formula is primarily designed to support the maintenance of good physical condition and strength, to support tissue regeneration and to have a positive effect on concentration and intellectual performance. No less important is the ability to support mental wellbeing. The substances contained in the preparation also support the proper functioning of the immune and circulatory systems, while having a positive effect on metabolic balance.

The supplement can be helpful for people who: are active, want to take care of the body's overall condition, feel that their diet needs supplementation of certain ingredients, live on the run and have little time for balanced meals, their every day is a string of challenges they have to face.

When taken regularly, it is sufficient for 1 month of treatment.

The supplement's unique ingredients:

Vitamin A plays a role in cell specialisation, which is particularly important in rapidly dividing cells such as hair follicles. This leads to the maintenance of a normal epidermal exfoliation process, which helps to maintain healthy skin. It is also an indispensable ingredient for the support of falcon vision*, and contributes to the normal metabolism of iron - an essential component for the production of haemoglobin and red blood cells!

- Vitamin D3 is an ingredient with enormous potential and multidirectional effects. Among other things, it supports the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and maintains normal levels of calcium, which is essential for the proper functioning of the skeletal system - thanks to these properties, it ensures healthy bones and teeth. It also supports the immune system and is involved in the proper functioning of the muscular system. 

- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that bravely stands up to fight free radicals. In addition, the support of vitamin C helps to regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E so that it performs its role to the best of its ability!

- Vitamin C we all know! It is one of the most important natural antioxidants, protecting the body from oxidative stress. So there is no denying that it is essential - it has numerous biochemical functions that affect the immune system's ability to function optimally. Additionally, it is needed for the production of collagen - one of the most important proteins in the body responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, teeth, gums and skin. 

- Thiamine (vitamin B1) its adequate concentration in the organism is essential for maintaining the good condition of the nervous system. This is because this vitamin is mainly responsible for energy metabolism, which is the primary source of energy for both the body and the nervous system. 

- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and thus regulates the biochemical metabolism of the brain and improves neurotransmission. It also participates in metabolic metabolism, which is of key importance in the process of energy storage in the human body. Additionally, it protects cells, e.g. neurons, against oxidative stress. 

- Niacin (vitamin B3) is indispensable in basic enzyme reactions during metabolism and during the energy production process in the mitochondria. It is involved, for example, in the process of glycolysis, i.e. the breakdown of the glucose molecule, during which energy is produced. 

- Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is involved in energy production and the regulation of the neurotransmitter economy. Its active form is extremely important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. This is because it is one of the elements necessary for the production of acetylcholine. It also influences the ability to concentrate and other cognitive functions.

- Folic acid (vitamin B9) supports the nervous system and improves cognitive function - it is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine, and helps to ensure good mood and general well-being. It is also an ingredient that helps in the proper production of blood. It also has an impact on reducing feelings of excessive fatigue. 

- Vitamin B12 has a number of important functions in the body. It is essential in the formation of red blood cells and in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. It is also involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, providing a constant supply of energy for the body. 

- Biotin (vitamin B7) plays an important role in the acquisition of energy for nerve cells. It is essential for the correct synthesis of myelin - the covering of axons, which accelerates and secures the correct flow of nerve impulses between individual neurons.  It is also a "beauty vitamin" - helps maintain healthy hair and skin.

- Guarana supports the nervous system and maintains physical and mental vitality

- Ginseng a broad-spectrum antioxidant plant. It has a positive effect on many processes in the human body. Thanks to the presence of ginsenosides, it has an effect in the body depending on the needs - a calming effect in stressful situations, and a stimulating effect when greater performance is needed.

- Mace is a natural aphrodisiac from South Asia, which has an effect on male sexual performance. It also supports the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

- Magnesium is an ingredient that plays a huge role in maintaining health. Nearly 60% of the body's total magnesium content is located in the bone, helping to maintain healthy bones and teeth. 

- Calcium is the basic building block of strong bones and teeth, but it is also an essential activator of many enzymes that are involved in the blood clotting process. It helps to maintain normal nerve transmission, which, in addition to supporting brain function, influences proper muscle function. 

- Zinc is an extremely valuable ingredient. It is a powerful antioxidant that forms a protective mantle for cells against oxidative stress. It regulates the function of over 300 enzymes, maintaining normal nutrient metabolism and protein synthesis.

- Iron one of the most important micronutrients for the body, which is part of haemoglobin, the red pigment of the blood, as well as many enzymes. Its main feature is its participation in the transport of oxygen around the body. 

- Manganese is often overlooked, yet an invaluable part of our diet. It is a powerful antioxidant whose role is to protect cells from oxidative stress. It is also a component of various enzymes involved in the production of cartilage and bone tissue. 

- Copper is a micronutrient that takes an active part in the transport and absorption of iron.  Together with iron, it transports oxygen to the cells of the human body (supplies nerve tissue with oxygen). It influences the rate of transmission of nerve impulses and the activity level of neurotransmitters. 

Directions for use:

Vitamins: 1 capsule in the morning after a meal

Minerals: 1 capsule in the evening after a meal

Vitamins - warnings: Supplement intended for adults. Do not exceed the recommended portion to be taken per day. Contains caffeine - not recommended for children or pregnant women; do not consume with other products that are a source of caffeine or other ingredients with similar effects. The food supplement is not recommended for, among others, breastfeeding women, children under 18 years of age, persons with excessively high blood pressure. Do not use the product if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Do not use the supplement after the minimum durability date. The minimum shelf life date is on the side of the packaging.

The food supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Minerals - warnings: Supplement intended for adults. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Do not use the product if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Do not use the food supplement after the minimum durability date. The date of minimum durability is located on the side of the package.

The supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Content in 1 capsule VITAMINS:

Vitamin A 800 µ
Vitamin D 10 µg 
Vitamin E 12 mg
Vitamin C 160 mg
Thiamine 3,3 mg
Riboflavin 4,2 mg
Niacin 16 mg
Vitamin B6 4,2 mg
Folic acid 200 µg
Vitamin B12 7,5 µg 
Biotin 100 µg
Pantothenic acid 12 mg 
Bitter orange extract 27,78 mg
incl. bioflavonoids 25 mg
Guarana extract 20 mg
incl. caffeine  2 mg
Green tea leaf extract 12,5 mg
incl. EGCG 5 mg
Ginseng extract  20 mg
incl. ginsenosides 2 mg
Coenzyme Q10 10 mg
L-arginine 50 menace
Mace extract 11,11 mg
incl. saponins 10 mg

Content in 1 capsule MINERALS:

100 mg 
120 mg 
Zinc 10 mg 
3 mg
1,8 mg
0,5 mg

Expiry date: min. 2 months unless stated differently in the title or description


witamina C, hydroksypropylometyloceluloza, witamina E, L-arginina, ekstrakt z gorzkiej pomarańczy 90% bioflawonoidów, ekstrakt z żeń-szenia 10% ginsenozydów, ekstrakt z guarany 10% kofeiny, niacyna, błonnik akacjowy, kwas pantotenowy, ekstrakt z liści zielonej herbaty 40% EGCG, ekstrakt z buzdyganka 90% saponin, koenzym Q10, witamina B12, witamina A, witamina B6, witamina D, ryboflawina, tiamina, kwas foliowy

ENG: Vitamin C, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, vitamin E, L-arginine, bitter orange extract 90% bioflavonoids, ginseng extract 10% ginsenosides, guarana extract 10% caffeine, niacin, Acacia fibre, pantothenic acid, green tea leaf extract 40% EGCG, mace extract 90% saponins, coenzyme Q10, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin D, riboflavin, thiamin, folic acid


wapń, magnez, hydroksypropylometyloceluloza, żelazo, cynk, mangan, błonnik akacjowy, miedź

ENG: calcium, magnesium, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, iron, zinc, manganese, acacia fibre, copper

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